What a great year for music, even if the number one
album for 2007 was an American Idol contestant; showing that musical talent apparently has a direct correlation with record sales. But those willing enough to to take time to look, 2007 was an incredible year.
Here is what I enjoyed the most over the year. No American Idols allowed......
I know some of these styles can be difficult to listen to but give them a chance you may be surprised and be sure to take the time to listen.
#10 LCD Soundsystem Sound of Silver
What a great dance dance record! These guys toured with Arcade Fire this year and were great to see live. Fantastic band with a great energy around them. They have the rare ability to take complex dance beats and mix those with indie pop that turn out to make outstanding records. Please give them a
#9 The National Boxer
band is a diamond in the rough. Behind the rustic vocals and simple guitar are great lyrics and simple pulsating beats that will have your foot tapping the entire time. If you haven't checked out their third album, Alligator you ought to. I like the songwriting on that one a lot more; however Boxer is really growing on me.
#8 Spoon Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
If you aren't already listening to this band you should be. They have a great talent for writing music that is more than easy to listen to but at the same time still try new styles. This has quickly become one of my favorite Spoon albums and with each album they keep on getting better and better.
#7 Interpol Our Love to Admire
Pioneer to the Falls wins the best opening track on any album this year in my book. Fans will instantly recognize the return to Turn On the Bright Lights sounds with uniquely tuned guitars and haunting vocals, an addicting sound that continues to win critical acclaim.
I was fortunate enough to see these guys live and they are a delight!
#6 Beirut The Flying Club CupGreat vocal style, great use of melody and great overall feel, Beirut does a wonderful job this time and every time around. What makes this album really stand out are the vocals which compliment the melodies extremely well. Brilliant and beautiful tracks are all over. From
Nantes to
The Penalty, the well-written songs show the range of this amazing, unique artist.
#5 Bloc Party Weekend in the City
Bloc Party does it again with another great album this year. Although on the first couple of listens I didn't find Weekend in the City as enjoyable as Silent Alarm because of the different style but on repeated listens I found myself listening more and more throughout the year.
This is a truly great, young, talented band that is not afraid to take chances. I applaud them for the difference in style on this record. Few bands have the maturity and talent to pull that off.
#4 Battles Mirrored
The first time I heard Battles admittedly I couldn't stand the sound. But on more listens you realize how dynamic this band is. The best way I can describe the music is simple: Battles will turn everything you know about music upside down then rearrange it in such a way that will blow your mind. Appropriately named bionic rock, give battles some time and you'll learn what makes them special.
They make amazing videos as well.
#3 Arcade Fire Neon BibleI was fortunate enough to see this band earlier this year and I must say it was an incredible show! (Watch the
video.) Truly an incredibly talented group with lots of energy that is carried in their sound. During the concert I was amazed to see how many times members would switch between different instruments and play them extremely well.
Arcade Fire follows through on this sophomore album after their critically acclaimed debut Funeral. What surprised me most about this album was how much it grew on me. After every listen I caught something new that I hadn't heard before. No Cars Go and Windowstill are great tracks.
#2 Radiohead In RainbowsProbably the biggest surprise of the year, Radiohead released In Rainbows over the internet for digital download showing their label that they can still do what they want, when they want. We are Radiohead, do not mess with us. Better yet, you had the option of paying whatever price you thought was fair. Pretty neat idea and it worked out well. The 'free' download was for a limited time but don't worry, if you missed out you can now pick the album up in stores.
Many of the tracks reminded me of Kid A, with classic Radiohead electronic beats and the chilling voice of Thom Yorke, the album is sure to please many.
#1 Okkervil River The Stage NamesI found this album more than any other this year to be the most consistent throughout. Amazing vocals, lyrics, and music that will keep you rocking all day, Okkervil River give an outstanding performance. Looks like
Conan thinks so too. So many times I kept on picking up my iPod just to listen to tracks from this record. Instant gratification. How can you not like these guys?
On first listen the first three songs grabbed my attention instantly and have quickly become some of my most loved tracks of the year. Do not overlook this album....keep it up guys!
Stuff worth checking out:
The White Stripes
Sigur Ros DVD: Some of the most beautiful cinematography and music you will see on DVD. If you have ANY interest in this band, you ought it to yourself to see this. It does not disappoint.
Shout Out LoudsSigur Ros Hvarf/Heim: They were busy this year. They also released a two disc album with acoustic and new recorded tracks. A very welcome record for the year that includes a new favorite Sigur Ros track of mine,
Hljomiland (...and no I do not know what that means nor do I care, the song is great!).